Dean's vote 2021


The methodology behind the selection of the 1000 Business Schools to be ranked was created by the Eduniversal International Scientific Committee in 2007. The objective was to establish a global mapping system that would take into account the international influence and reputation of each academic institution.

For the ranking of top 1000 business schools, the system determines, from thousands of different business schools, which 1000 will be selected for the ranking. The number of schools selected to take part in the ranking, from each of the 154 countries, is determined according to a quota method using both quantitative and qualitative criteria.

The quantitative criteria includes:
- The national expenditure on education per inhabitant
- The GDP per inhabitant
- The size of the population
- The number of students in higher education

The qualitative criteria includes:
- The number of graduate academic institutions in the country
- The historical importance of the national educational tradition.

These schools are then classified in each country by Palmes of Excellence according to a set of criteria designed to determine a school’s international influence, reputation and quality.

After the Palme classification (from 1 to 5) has been set, an international Deans Vote determines the rank within each Palme category. The final ranking shows, within each Palme category, the best business schools in each country.

The EDUNIVERSAL ranking highlights the best academic opportunities for students around the world in these 9 zones:


Example of the data taken into consideration, according to the method of quotas, in the determination of the number of schools per country in the Eduniversal Official Selection:

Country Expenditure in education (public & private) / student (USD) GDP per Capita (USD) Population size in million Enrolment in Tertiary Education Schools Quota results
USA $27,924 $54,600 322 9,463,755 153
India $70,267 $5,700 1,311 24,302,984 47
China $23,984 $13,200 1,376 21,533,196 56
UK $25,744 $39,800 65 1,532,677 51
Mexico $7,568 $17,100 127 3,042,546 13
Poland $8,929 $24,700 37 1,266,471 11
Netherlands $18,947 $24,700 29 842,600 13
Turkey $10,638 $19,200 79 3,052,671 8
Tunisia $2,815 $11,400 11 218,856 5
Australia $18,337 $44,000 23 930,675 34
Indonesia $2,095 $10,500 257 4,200,000 7
Russia $8,483 $19,400 143 2,994,807 21

Data extracted from the Statistics department of UNESCO

Data extracted from OECD